Sleep Apnea Mouth Guards
Millions of Americans suffer from sleep apnea. Due to misdiagnosis or simply being unaware of symptoms, many of those affected are not receiving proper treatment. Sleep apnea is characterized by stops and starts in breathing while sleeping. Many sleep apnea patients wake up rapidly at night and others feel exhausted after a full night’s rest.
Despite popular belief that snoring is harmless, scientists have now solidified a connection between snoring and serious breathing problems. In order to breathe as our bodies were designed, long periods of breathing need to occur through the nose. This allows proper distribution of oxygen to the body. The nose also has “filter” properties that help eliminate harmful particles taken in through the air. If a patent has a poor bite, the tongue cannot find it’s proper resting place in between the jaw. The tongue blocks the airway and in turn, our bodies convert to mouth breathing.
In the past, the CPAP was the only option other than surgery for treating sleep apnea. It works by administering air into the airway through a nose and mouth mask. Many people have a hard time using the CPAP because it is loud and bulky.
Dr. Rogers provides a non-evasive treatment option for sleep apnea using a mouth guard that is specially designed to improve breathing. Each guard is custom made to fit the patient’s mouth. It works by keeping the jaw in its proper position to accommodate the tongue. With the tongue in proper position, the nasal airway stays open at night.
If you have questions about how sleep apnea mouth guards can be beneficial to you or your family, please contact us today.